Winter has arrived and the unfortunate need to store summer items comes with that. Leaves falling from trees is another side effect of the cooler temps. Village employees will be Monday, November 25th to clean up the piles of leaves that residents have raked to the curb. Please be courteous and remove your boats, trailers, campers, and vehicles from the road to allow our employees to do their jobs.
The public road is not an acceptable storage space for these things.
As a reminder, as of November 15th, we have an ordinance limiting on-street parking to 24 consecutive hours for the winter months. Chief McDonald continues to see boats, trailers, campers, and vehicles that are being left on the roadside and not following our ordinance. If you choose not to follow our ordinance, you could be subject to daily fines until you choose to comply, and/or your boat, trailer, camper, or vehicle could be towed at your own expense.