St. Peter's Lutheran Church-Elcast
209 West Bluff Street
Cassville, WI 53806
Sunday Services at 9:00am
River Valley Community Church
River Valley Community Church Elders
Pete Stohs: (608) 794-2610 | Ron Hulst: (608) 725-5553 | Pastor/Teacher - Dr. Don Zahurance D.D.: (262) 527-1969
Worship Service: 10:30 AM Every Sunday
1035 Jack Oak Rd, Cassville, WI 53806
Bible Study Wednesday: 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM
Men's Friday Morning Time: 7:00 AM
Adult Sunday School: 9:30 AM
Children's Sunday School: 10:45 AM
We Have:
Womens' Ministry
Children's Ministry
Evangelism and Outreach Ministries
Nursery provided for all gatherings
Personal and Family Counseling
All subjects taught are from Scripture
Special Events to be announced
Church Office: (608) 725-5371
Church Cell: (262) 527-1969
Email: [email protected]

River Valley Church Fellowship Center